S. L. Kanthan

Those who have followed me on X know that S. L. Kanthan (@Kanthan2030) is one of the most brilliant activist geopolitical commentators and analysts today. His brilliance is due not least to his being, as an Indian, naturally free from the specifically western, outré capitalist-imperialist cultural decadence and wokeness in which otherwise competent western activist analysts like Brian Becker and Ben Norton are unfortunately still to a considerable extent stuck (while the MAGA Communists and Caleb Maupin have broken with it in principle, and Max Blumenthal and his colleagues at the Grayzone, as well as Alexander Mckay, have long seemed to be in the process of doing so). This is of course true also of the many excellent Chinese commentators. Now Kanthan has started a new podcast on Sputnik India:

Author: Jan Olof Bengtsson

Spirituality - Arts & Humanities - Europe

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