Arnaud Bertrand

Another commentator whom I have re-x-ed much from in the last few years is Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand), who laments the insignificance into which his native France has fallen under Atlanticism (at the very least after Chirac), frequently looks back with nostalgia on de Gaulle, and enthusiastically posts and even translates every new interview with Dominique de Villepin, best known perhaps as the most vocal leader of the European resistance against the Iraq war in 2003, who by now increasingly, in Bertrand’s presentation of him, looks like the last French politician with true European integrity.

Bertrand seems almost to have given up on a France that in his view has lost all real independence, its international stature, its distinctive voice (just as Sweden will now, as a member of NATO), having moved to Shanghai and started writing and speaking in English. He is sometimes described as a “China commentator”, but that hardly does justice to his broad global perspective. He seems to me clearly to have established himself as an important analyst and defender of the emergence of the new multipolar order which is replacing the global hegemony of Atlanticist imperialism.

Author: Jan Olof Bengtsson

Spirituality - Arts & Humanities - Europe

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